Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chapter 17 Advertising and Public Relations


Advertising is defined as an impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer; this is a popular form of promotion. Advertising has an effect on consumers’ daily lives by constantly informing them about products and services as well as influencing their attitudes, beliefs and purchases. The major types of advertising include Institutional Advertising and Product advertising.
Institutional Advertising- Designed to enhance a company's image rather than promote a particular product.
Product Advertising- Advertises the benefits of a specific good or service.

Disney's Product Advertising

In The Walt Disney Company corporate responsibility report they state that their guidelines have high standards that require advertising to children to not be deceptive, inappropriate, unfair or explicit. Their guidelines include maintaining the appropriateness of products and services being advertised, accuracy of descriptions of features and benefits and fairness of tactics given the child's age, maturity and emotional vulnerabilities. Disney has dedicated their company's advertising to be both truthful and respectful of the unique sensibilities of children. Disney may be one of the most popular brands for children, but they are not the only brand which will lead the company to use competitive advertising. This is a form of advertising that is designed to influence demand for a specific brand. The promotion will appeal more to emotions while creating a favorable attitude toward the brand. As The Walt Disney World theme park expands to different states and countries they are now in competition with other theme parks and must be able to show their unique magical qualities that set them apart from the other theme parks. Below this Disney ad shows the excitement that comes to kids’ faces when they find out they are going to Disney as well as showing the magic and happiness associated with each Walt Disney World experience setting them uniquely apart from the other theme parks.     

Advertising Campaign and Advertising Objective

An advertising campaign is a series of related advertisements focusing on a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals. An advertising objective is a more specific communication task that the campaign should accomplish for the target audience during a specified period. Disney's common theme and well known slogan, "Where dreams come true" have been incorporated in their advertising. Disney's advertising objective has been to continually remind the consumers of the happiness and magic that happens at Disney.

Disney's Sponsorship

A sponsorship is a public relations strategy where the company spends money to support a cause, issue or event as well as improving brand awareness or enhancing corporate image. The Walt Disney Company announced their plans to only advertise healthier foods to kids on its TV channels, websites and radio. Disney has been the first major company to set a standard for food advertising. The chairman and CEO of Disney, Robert Iger stated, "Parents can be confident that foods associated with Disney characters or advertised on Disney platforms meet our new, healthier guidelines." The Walt Disney company has now been supporting the awareness of bringing healthier food to kids diets.

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